If you're subject to the payment of the tuition fees at the UTT you may request for an exemption by submitting an application to the commission set up for that purpose, to be sent with the required documents to ales@utt.fr as described in the following files.
open on December 15th 2023 for the Spring semester, deadline on December 17th 2023.
as a base for estimations for the Fall semester: in 2023, it opened on May 25th 2023, for a deadline on June 17th 2023.
The exemption may be partial or total, is granted per academic year or semester, and may be renewed.
The commission is sitting twice a year: it is possible to apply for a later semester if you could not apply for the first semester, or if your situation has changed.
Excellence Eiffel scholarship Program
Eiffel Program
Program Objectives
The Eiffel Scholarship Program is a tool developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract the best foreign students to graduate courses at the master’s and doctorate.
It helps to train future foreign decision-makers, from the private and public sectors, in priority fields of study, and to stimulate applications from students from emerging countries for the master’s level and from emerging and industrialized countries for the doctoral level.”
Opening of the nomination campaign: usually the last week of September;
Deadline for receipt of applications by Campus France: 7 January of the following year;
Deadline for submission of applications to the International Center: between 10 and 15 December;
Publication of results: week of 4 April of the following year.
Fields of Study for the Master and the Doctorate (concerning the UTT)
The disciplinary fields of the Eiffel scholarships cover the following areas:
Science and technology:
Biology and Health
Ecological transition
Mathematics and Numerical
Engineering Science
Duration of Award
For both parts of the Eiffel programme, the scholarship is awarded for the academic year corresponding to the call for applications.
The start of the stay must be between 1 September and 31 December of the year in which the grant is awarded.
No deferral of the grant is possible.
The stay is financed by the grant only for periods taking place in France, except in some cases for periods of internship or exchange.
Master’s level
The award is for a duration:
12 months maximum when registering in M2;
Up to 24 months for registration in M1;
Up to 36 months for the preparation of an engineering degree.
It is awarded on condition that the student has fulfilled the academic obligations of each year of the course.
If the grant holder takes an intensive prior language training course, he will be able to benefit from the Eiffel grant for a maximum of 2 months during this training, if this is clearly indicated in the application and it cannot be requested a posteriori.
The Eiffel Scholarship does not cover the cost of this training.
Doctoral level
The Eiffel Scholarship is awarded for a period of 12 months in France.
As an exception, the 12 months of scholarship in France may, with the agreement of the selection committee, be divided into three maximum stays. Each stay in France may not be less than 4 months. In any event, the grant may not extend beyond 24 months, including periods outside France.
Planned Benefits (2022 amounts)
Master’s level
The Eiffel grant holders receive a monthly allowance of €1,181 (€1,031 maintenance allowance + €150 monthly allowance), and with other benefits.
Doctoral level
The Eiffel Fellows receive a monthly allowance of €1,700 (since January 1, 2021), with the payment of certain expenses.
Eligibility Requirements
Nationality: this programme is reserved for applicants of foreign nationality. Binational candidates, one of whose nationalities is French, are not eligible.
Age: Master’s level, the candidate must be at most 25 years old during the 2020 application campaign; that is to say born after March 1996. At doctoral level, the candidate must be at most 30 years old during the 2020 candidacy campaign; that is to say born after March 1991.
Geographical location: Master’s level the candidate in course of studies in France is ineligible. At the doctoral level, students studying abroad take priority over those already residing in France.
Terms and Conditions of Application
"Applications must be submitted by French higher education institutions. Records transmitted through other channels are not admissible”.
All applications must be made and submitted via the International Center for sending on-line.
IMPORTANT: the Excellence Eiffel scholarship program is well named, it is very selective, and aims to have only the best students as laureates.
Also, the UTT imposes as an essential condition for submitting applications to Campus France that any candidate is known, recommended and help in his application by a teacher of the UTT.
The student candidate will have to contact the teacher who will submit his application to the International Pole, who will instruct them. And which sets each year the deadline for filing applications.
France/Russie : Scholarships from the French Embassy in Russia
(currently closed)
Bourses Ambassade de France en Russie Programs Vernadski, Ostrogradski and Metchnikov
France/Vietnam : Programme de bourses et soutien à la coopération scientifique
ambassade de France au Vietnam Programme de bourses France Excellence
Il s’adresse aux étudiants vietnamiens qui souhaitent poursuivre une formation de niveau master 2 ou un doctorat en France. Les domaines prioritaires de ce programme sont : les sciences fondamentales ; les sciences de l’ingénieur ; l’économie, la gestion et le management ; le droit et la politique ; la médecine, la pharmacie et la santé ; les sciences de la durabilité ; les sciences de l’homme et de la société. La bourse est de douze mois pour une formation de niveau master 2 et de 36 mois pour un doctorat.
Tous les domaines scientifiques sont concernés par cet appel. Le soutien apporté permet de financer des mobilités, des actions de communication ou un appui logistique.
logo Québec FR-NT Programme de bourses de mobilités
Avec le soutien du Fonds de Recherche du Québec–Nature et Technologie (FRQ-NT).
Le programme Frontenac soutient la mobilité en France des étudiant(e)s québécois(es) inscrit(e)s au niveau maîtrise/master, pour des mobilités d'études d'au moins 3 mois.
Programme de financement mis en oeuvre par le Service pour la Science et la Technologie et le Service Culturel de l’ambassade de France au Japon, à destination des chercheurs d’institutions françaises. L’objectif de ce programme est de permettre aux chercheurs en France désireux d’établir un premier contact avec des équipes de recherche japonaises dans leurs domaines d’expertise afin d’initier de nouvelles collaborations franco-japonaises.