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  4. May-June Summer program

May-June Summer program

5/6-week UTT Summer program at the Université de Technologie de Troyes (France)
Great package: Work and have fun too!

2 CROSS-DISCIPLINERY COURSES WEEKENDS in NORMANDIE (4 days), ADVENTURE WEEKEND: fun activities including canoe, Via ferrata, rafting and hiking (3 days) and PARIS (4 days)

Meet students coming from UTT partner universities :

  • University at Buffalo, USA / Binghamton University, USA
  • University of Michigan, USA
  • City University of Honk Kong, Honk Kong
  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

and more!

Apply quickly , first arrived , first served !

Since 2004, 60 students each year are experiencing and enjoy this successful program. Get the most of your summer: be part of the 2025 group!

Dates 2025 May 23 >>> June 28th
calendar and Program at a glance
More information about the city of Troyes  
Accommodation details 

Normandie and Châteaux de la Loire Trip

Download the program

Adventure weekend

Download the program

Cultural visit of Paris

Download the program

Want to register?

  1. Apply: Create an account on the summer program portal and fill in the online application form  (It's up to you to check with your university whether they should nominate you or not. )
  2. invoicing and payment
  3. definitive registration after payment
  4. Deadline payment April 6th
mise à jour le 04 mars 2025