The mission assigned to the Institute for Global Security and Anticipation (UTT-ISGA) is to investigate innovative practice and to improve, enhance and augment the knowledge bases in 
the fields of global security for populations and institutions, for risk prevention and crisis management protocols.
Its objective is to encourage and enhance the emergence of scientific collaboration among academic, institutional and industrial actors and citizens. If offers a forum for iscussion/debate and innovative thinking in the continuum of the tryptic: research, training and valorization.
The ISGA Institute relies on the development of interdisciplinary research that complies with two complementary finalities: one being academic, the other operational.

3 areas of research and expertise

  • Anticipating threats and implementing security strategies: through analyses of new forms of threat, changing actors, security policies; prevention of risks associated with sociotechnical systems; event-driven approach, crises and no-break activities and services, coordination of the actors and decision makers.
  • Data for security measures: through analyses of new technologies in security areas, artificial intelligence, data handling and building of knowledge bases, big data, image processing, signal and data acquirement, drones, onboard sensors.
  • Digital confidence and cybercriminality threats: digital analysis in hyper-connected milieus, threat detection using content analysis algorithms, integrity breakdowns, steganography and security measures for data flows and system exchanges
Date of update 07 mars 2023