Tenure track professor call for applications 2023 Campaign

* Décret n°2021-1710 du 17 décembre 2021 relatif au contrat de chaire de professeur junior prévu par l’article L.952-6-2 du code de l’éducation et par l’article L.422-3 du code de la recherche.
  • Tenure track position: Full Professor
  • Duration of the contract/project: 5 years (tenure track contract)
  • Associated funded grant: 200 000 euros (ANR) + UTT resources
  • Position profile: Professor in Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
  • Research project profile: Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies
  • Teaching project profile: Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies
  • Sections CNU: 28, 30, 63
  • Short profile: Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies
  • Keywords: Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, nano-optics, quantum physics, nanophotonics, nanomaterials
  • Job profile: Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies
  • Date de recrutement: 01/12/2023
  • Localisation: Troyes (Université de Technologie de Troyes)
  • Salary: Minimum depending to past experience INM 735 (41 331 euros)

Teaching profile

Training programmes concerned

The CPJ must have an academic beackground in physics and/or material science. The expected teaching will be within these two broad fields and in particular within the following topics : general physics (1st, 2nd year)n light-matter interaction (3rd year, masters), nanooptics (masters), energy and materials (3rd year), quantum optics (masters)… (nonexhaustive list).
The recruited CPJ will be involved in the Academic Research School NANO-PHOT, granted in 2019 to the UTT/L2n within the framework of the French National Investment Programme for the Future N°3 (PIA3). This combined programme master/PhD is an international programme of excellence and is centered on nano-optics and nano-photonics. The CPJ is also expected to get involved within the UTT engineering programme on Material Science & Engineering.

Teaching objectives and needs

Possible involvement in the development of certified modules (micro-certifications) for years 1 and 2 as well as bridging the teaching in physics/chemistry from high school level to university level.
In particular, the recruited personnel is expected to articulate scientific and technological challenges in connection with environmental and sustainability issues and/or quantum technologies.
The development of new teaching and training methods are expected and a clear pedagogical vision will be needed. The candidate has to be able to teach in English and in French at some point. An extra EUt+ language would be a bonus but is not required.
The development of modules within the framework of the European University of Technology EUt+ will be expected.

Resources linked to the teaching duty
  • Mentoring in teaching put in place for the CPJ
  • Pluri-annual teaching load:
    • Year 1 : No teachning duties
    • Year 2 : 64 h
    • Year 3 : 64 h
    • Year 4 : 128 h
    • Year 5 : 128 h
Equivalent TD/TP given hours for a standard teaching load of 192h at year 6.

Research Profile

Introduction to the Research Unit L2n

The laboratory Light, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies (L2n) aims at the development of nano-optics, which addresses a number of technological, scientific and socio-economic challenges. The L2n is a joint UTT/CNRS laboratory of more than 100 people comprising faculty membres, CNRS researchers, research and project engineers, technicians, postdoctorate fellows, PhD students, graduate students and visitors. Researchers at the L2n work on new concepts and approaches, developing both innovative instrumentation and nanocharacterisation and nanofabrication methods. Covering such fields as energy (lighting, photovoltaics, etc.), telecommunications, data storage, health and security, key socioeconomic challenges are addressed through multidisciplinary research focus areas: plasmonics, integrated optics, optoelectronics, new spectroscopy and microscopy techniques, multiphysics modeling, multi-functional nanosensors, nanobiophotonics and nanomaterials for photonics, quantum Context and objectives of the CPJ

Context and objectives of the CPJ

The position has to fit within the research themes of the L2n laboratory on nano-optics and nanophotonics in a broad sense (light-matter interaction and control at the nanoscale): fundamental aspects, experimental developments, applications and research transfer.
Nanosciences and nanotechnologies cover vast fields of applications amongst the following ones (non-exhaustive list): new materials (including hybrid and intelligent materials) for nanophotonis, nano-plasmonics and optical nano-sensors, quantum nanophotonics, nanobiophysics, nano-optomechanics… The UTT is engaged in a long term project of setting-up a European University of Technology (EUt+) and the CPJ will be involved in this project on research activities with other colleagues from the L2n, in particular within the establishment of a European Research Institute (ERI) on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials.
The position required is an experimental physicist with a high potential for scientific research project development.

Resources linked to the research activity
The newcomer will benefit from a unique working environment with the following welcome package:
  • Mentoring in teaching put in place for the CPJ
  • CPJ start-up funding of 200 k€ (French ANR programme)
  • Priority access to a PhD grant at the arrival
  • Fees waived for the first 3 years to access the Nanomat and its equipment
  • Laboratory space will be available for experimental developments
Note : extra possible sources of co-funding are being pursued.

Criteria for the evaluation of applications by the Selection Committee

The evaluation of the applications will be based on the quality of the application and the experience in the fields of teaching and research as well as on the adequacy of the profile of the candidates with the needs in research, pedagogy and collective involvement.of the establishment, as they appear in the job profile.
These elements will be assessed on the basis of the application file, then, if need be, during the audition.

Interview arrangements

Specific modalities :
  • Course on an imposed topic during the interview
  • Meeting-up physically or remotely with the future colleagues from the L2n
  • Research presentation seminar
Audition publique : non
Date of update 05 mai 2023